Now that I’ve recognised going to the office as a ritual rather than part of doing my job, dressing up makes sense
I used to think that “going to work” and “doing my job” were the same thing. But since last March, I have been doing my job but not going to work. I work every day, but I never go to the office or to shows. So I guess it turns out that going to work and doing my job are, in fact, two different things.
Back when there were computers in offices but not in homes, you had to go to work to do your job, and so the two activities got all tangled up in our minds. We picture them together, like snow and Christmas Day, as though they are conjoined in the natural order of things. Now that I’ve realised doing my job and going to work are two entirely different activities, I’m worrying about how to do them at the same time (whenever that may be). There are many interesting conversations to eavesdrop on in the office, and getting a snack involves taking a lift and then queueing at a counter to pay, rather than just opening the fridge and eating cheese. This sounds very time-consuming. How did I get anything done?
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